Types of Sex Dolls

Today’s sex doll market offers a wide variety of models, each with distinctive features and aesthetics. Here are a few of the sex doll categories that are most popular.

Traditional Sex Dolls

Traditional Sex Doll
Traditional Sex Doll

The most fundamental kind of sex doll is traditional dolls, which are frequently made of silicone or rubber. With a soft, malleable body and lifelike facial features, they are made to appear and feel like real people. Traditional sex toys can have different body types, skin tones, and sizes. Some models even have changeable wigs and outfits.

The affordability of traditional sex dolls is one of their main advantages. For those looking to use a sex doll to explore their sexuality, these dolls are frequently less expensive than more realistic or high-tech alternatives. Since they don’t contain any electronic parts or artificial intelligence that need special care, traditional sex dolls are also fairly simple to maintain.

Traditional sex dolls might not be as lifelike or realistic as other kinds of sex dolls, but individuals who are attracted to them can still have satisfying sex experiences with them. Some people might appreciate the classic sex dolls’ more stylized or fantastical appearance, while others could find the novelty of utilizing such a toy appealing.

Traditional sex doll producers and sellers come in a wide variety, so it’s crucial to find a renowned and trustworthy vendor to guarantee you’re obtaining a high-quality item. Look for sex dolls with realistic and well-crafted facial features that are sturdy, non-toxic, and made of materials like silicone or rubber.

When utilizing a classic sex doll, it’s crucial to adhere to the manufacturer’s cleaning and maintenance guidelines to keep the doll clean and sanitary. Avoid subjecting the doll to harsh chemicals or severe temperatures, as these conditions can harm the materials and reduce the doll’s lifespan.

In general, traditional sex dolls are a time-tested and budget-friendly choice for people looking to test their sexuality with a sex toy. They might not be as lifelike or realistic as other kinds of sex dolls, but individuals drawn to them can still have a fulfilling time with them.

Life-Size Sex Dolls

Life-Size Sex Doll
Life-Size Sex Doll

Life-size sex dolls are exactly what they sound like: dolls that are identical in height to actual people, usually standing between 5′ 5″ and 6′ 0″. With smooth, lifelike skin, realistic facial features, and adjustable joints that enable them to be positioned in some ways, these dolls are made to look and feel as natural as possible. Some life-size sex dolls even feature interchangeable wigs and clothes so the user can alter how they seem.

Typically, silicone or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), which are both soft, flexible materials that resemble human flesh, are used to create life-size sex dolls. These dolls can cost thousands of dollars for a basic model to tens of thousands of dollars for a high-end, custom-made doll, making them highly pricey.

The authenticity and lifelike appearance of life-size sex dolls are one of their key advantages. These dolls, which are made to resemble actual people as closely as possible, might be a fantastic option for people who are drawn to certain body types or physical characteristics. They can also be a wonderful option for individuals seeking a sex toy that resembles a real companion more closely.

Larger, inflatable sex dolls need less upkeep and attention than life-size dolls. After each use, they should be cleaned and disinfected, and their joints should be oiled frequently to keep them flexible and easy to move. Additionally, it’s crucial to keep life-size sex dolls out of direct sunlight and other sources of heat because these conditions might harm the materials.

It’s vital to keep in mind that while life-size sex dolls might offer a realistic and authentic sexual experience, they cannot replace genuine human connection and intimacy. Relying on them to replace these kinds of relationships might be unhealthy because they cannot offer the same emotional support or companionship that a real-life partner can.

For those seeking a genuine and authentic sexual encounter, life-size sex dolls are a luxurious option. Individuals who are drawn to them can offer a distinctive and fulfilling experience even if they can be extremely pricey and require more upkeep and care than smaller dolls.

Mini Sex Dolls

Mini Sex Doll
Mini Sex Doll

Smaller in size than standard life-size dolls, mini sex dolls are also referred to as pocket dolls or little sex dolls. These dolls, which are normally one foot tall or less, are made to be more unobtrusive and portable than larger dolls. They frequently consist of silicone, rubber, or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), and they could have realistic facial features, detachable clothing, and articulated joints for more flexibility and realism.

Mini sex dolls’ portability and compact size are two of their key advantages. These dolls are portable and may be used anywhere. They are small enough to fit neatly in a drawer or closet. They are frequently less expensive than larger, more realistic dolls, making them a more affordable choice for people looking to use a sex toy to explore their sexuality.

Mini sex dolls can nonetheless give people drawn to them a fulfilling sexual experience, even though they might not be as lifelike or realistic as larger dolls. Some people might love mini dolls’ more stylized or fantastical appearance, while others could just find the novelty of using a little sex toy appealing.

As they don’t have as many sophisticated parts or features as larger dolls, mini sex dolls are often simple to take care of and maintain. After each use, they should be cleaned and disinfected, and their joints should be oiled frequently to keep them flexible and easy to move. Miniature dolls should also be kept out of direct sunshine and other sources of heat because these conditions might harm the materials.

Mini sex dolls can be a practical and entertaining choice for people who want to explore their sexuality, but it’s vital to keep in mind that they can’t replace genuine human connection and intimacy. Relying on them to replace these kinds of relationships might be unhealthy because they cannot offer the same emotional support or companionship that a real-life partner can.

Mini sex dolls are, all things considered, a portable and small choice for people looking to test their sexuality with a sex toy. Even while they might not be as realistic or lifelike as larger dolls, individuals who are drawn to them can still have a fulfilling and joyful experience.

Inflatable Sex Dolls

Inflatable Sex Doll
Inflatable Sex Doll

A sort of sex toy that can be inflated to a certain size and shape is an inflatable sex doll. They are constructed of soft, malleable plastic. Usually made of PVC or rubber, these dolls may have realistic facial characteristics, detachable garments, and articulated joints for greater realism and flexibility.

The portability and convenience of inflatable sex dolls are their key advantages. When not in use, these dolls are portable, quickly deflatable, and can be kept in a compact area. They are frequently less expensive than larger, more realistic dolls, making them a more affordable choice for people looking to use a sex toy to explore their sexuality.

Inflatable sex dolls might not be as realistic or lifelike as larger dolls made of silicone or TPE, but they can nevertheless give individuals drawn to them a pleasant sexual experience. Some people might favor inflatable dolls’ more stylized or fantastical appearance, while others might just find the novelty of utilizing one appealing.

It’s not very difficult to take care of and maintain inflatable sex dolls. After each use, they should be cleaned and disinfected, and their joints should be oiled frequently to keep them flexible and easy to move. Additionally, it’s crucial to keep inflatable dolls out of direct sunshine and other sources of heat because these conditions might harm the materials.

Although inflatable sex dolls might be a practical and entertaining option for people who want to experiment with their sexuality, it’s crucial to keep in mind that they cannot replace genuine human connection and intimacy. Relying on them to replace these kinds of relationships might be unhealthy because they cannot offer the same emotional support or companionship that a real-life partner can.

In general, inflatable sex dolls are a portable and small choice for people looking to use sex toys to explore their sexuality. Even while they might not be as realistic or lifelike as larger dolls, individuals who are drawn to them can still have a fulfilling and joyful experience.

Realistic Sex Dolls

Realistic Sex Doll
Realistic Sex Doll

A particular kind of sex toy that aims to look and feel as lifelike as possible is called a realistic sex doll. Usually manufactured of silicone or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), these dolls may have realistic facial features, detachable garments, and articulated joints for more realism and flexibility.

The genuine appearance and feel of realistic sex dolls are one of their key advantages. These dolls might be a terrific option for folks who are drawn to a specific body type or appearance because they are made to look and feel like real people. They can also be a wonderful option for individuals seeking a sex toy that resembles a real companion more closely.

Prices for realistic sex dolls can range from a few thousand dollars for a simple model to tens of thousands of dollars for a high-end, custom-made doll. They are frequently more expensive than other types of sex dolls. Additionally, because they have more sophisticated parts and features that need to be kept clean and in working condition, they require more upkeep and care than smaller, inflated dolls.

It’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s cleaning and maintenance instructions while using a realistic sex doll to keep it clean and hygienic. Avoid subjecting the doll to harsh chemicals or severe temperatures, as these conditions can harm the materials and reduce the doll’s lifespan.

While authentic and enjoyable sexual experiences can be had with realistic sex dolls, it’s crucial to keep in mind that they cannot replace genuine human connection and intimacy. Relying on them to replace these kinds of relationships might be unhealthy because they cannot offer the same emotional support or companionship that a real-life partner can.

Overall, people seeking a lifelike and realistic sexual experience should consider realistic sex dolls as a high-end choice. Individuals who are drawn to them can offer a distinctive and fulfilling experience even if they can be extremely pricey and require more upkeep and care than smaller dolls.

Custom Sex Dolls

Custom Sex Doll
Custom Sex Doll

Custom sex dolls are a particular kind of sex toy that is created according to the exact requirements of the customer. The body type, skin tone, hair color, and facial characteristics of these dolls can all be altered. Some custom sex dolls even have high-tech characteristics like artificial intelligence (AI) that let them interact with their users more genuinely.

Having the option to design a special and customized experience is one of the key advantages of bespoke sex dolls. Customers can customize every element of the doll, including its physical attributes, personality, and skills, making it a unique sex toy. For people who have particular fetishes or needs that might not be widely available in pre-made dolls, custom sex dolls might also be a suitable alternative.

Because they are manufactured to order and take more time and money to produce, custom sex dolls are frequently more expensive than other kinds of sex dolls. A high-end, completely personalized doll with advanced features can cost tens of thousands of dollars, while a basic custom doll can cost several thousand dollars.

To ensure you receive a high-quality product when obtaining a bespoke sex doll, it is crucial to select a known and trustworthy manufacturer or shop. Look for businesses that employ tough, non-toxic materials like silicone or TPE and provide a wide selection of customizing options. To guarantee you get the doll you want, make sure to carefully research the customization options and any additional features offered by the manufacturer. You should also make sure to convey your desired requirements to the manufacturer clearly and concisely.

Custom sex dolls need upkeep and care just like other kinds of sex dolls do to stay clean and functional. When caring for the doll, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions and keep it away from harsh chemicals and extremely hot temperatures. If a custom doll has sophisticated capabilities like AI, it might also need additional upkeep. As such, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions for maintaining these parts.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that while custom sex dolls might offer a distinctive and personalized sexual experience, they cannot replace genuine human connection and intimacy. Relying on them to replace these kinds of relationships might be unhealthy because they cannot offer the same emotional support or companionship that a real-life partner can.

Generally speaking, custom sex dolls are a high-end choice for people seeking a distinctive and customized sexual experience. For individuals who are drawn to them, they can offer a unique experience even if they can be rather pricey and need more upkeep and care than other kinds of dolls.

Sex Doll Torsos

Sex Doll Torso
Sex Doll Torso

A specific kind of sex toy known as a “sex doll torso” only has the torso of a sex doll, which normally includes the head, neck, breasts, and hips. These dolls may have realistic facial features and detachable clothing and are frequently made of silicone or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE). They may be simpler to keep and manage than full-size sex dolls because they are often smaller and more compact.

The size and portability of sex doll torsos are one of their key advantages. These dolls are easier to keep and manage than full-size dolls because they are smaller and more compact. They are frequently more affordable than full-size dolls, offering them a more affordable choice for people looking to use a sex toy to explore their sexuality.

Sex doll torsos may not be as convincing or realistic as full-size dolls, but for those who are attracted to them, they can still offer a pleasurable sexual experience. Some people might favor these dolls’ more stylized or fantastical appearances, while others might just find the novelty of using a smaller sex toy to be fun.

Sex doll torsos often contain fewer intricate parts and features than full-size dolls, making them easier to maintain. After each use, they should be cleaned and disinfected, and their joints should be oiled frequently to keep them flexible and easy to move. Additionally, it’s crucial to keep these dolls cold, dry, and out of direct sunlight and heat sources because excessive temperatures might harm the materials.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that sex doll torsos are not a replacement for genuine interpersonal intimacy and connection, even though they might be a practical and entertaining option for people seeking to explore their sexuality. Relying on them to replace these kinds of relationships might be unhealthy because they cannot offer the same emotional support or companionship that a real-life partner can.

In general, sex doll torsos are a portable and portable choice for anyone interested in using a sex toy to explore their sexuality. For individuals who are drawn to them, even if they might not be as realistic or lifelike as full-size dolls, they can nevertheless offer a fulfilling and delightful experience.

When buying a sex doll torso, it’s critical to find a recognized and trustworthy manufacturer or shop because the doll’s quality and longevity might differ greatly. Look for dolls with realistic and well-crafted facial features that are sturdy, non-toxic, and made of materials like silicone or TPE.

When utilizing a sex doll torso, it’s crucial to adhere to the manufacturer’s cleaning and maintenance guidelines to keep the doll hygienic. Avoid subjecting the doll to harsh chemicals or severe temperatures, as these conditions can harm the materials and reduce the doll’s lifespan.

In addition to conventional sex doll torsos, inflatable sex doll torsos are also offered for purchase. The material used to create these dolls is soft and malleable, and it can be expanded to the required size and shape. They can be a nice option for people on a tight budget or those searching for a more discreet and portable sex toy because they are often less expensive than silicone or TPE dolls.

In general, sex doll torsos are a convenient and adaptable choice for people looking to test their sexuality using a sex toy. There are several variations available to fit your needs and budget, whether you decide on a standard silicone or TPE doll or an inflatable option. To get the most out of your sex doll torso, just keep in mind to select a reputable manufacturer or retailer and adhere to the manufacturer’s care and maintenance guidelines.

Male Sex Dolls

Male Sex Doll
Male Sex Doll

Male sex dolls are a particular kind of sex toy that mimic the appearance and sensations of a real guy. Usually manufactured of silicone or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), these dolls may have realistic facial features, detachable garments, and articulated joints for more realism and flexibility. Additionally, they can be capable of ejaculating or vibrating for extra stimulation, as well as having a working penis and testicles.

The lifelike appearance and sensation of male sex dolls are one of their key advantages. These dolls can be a terrific option for individuals who are drawn to guys or who are searching for a sex toy that feels more like a genuine companion because they are made to appear and feel like real men. Male sex dolls can also be a wonderful option for people who want to experiment with various sexual fantasies or positions.

Male sex dolls can cost anything from a few thousand dollars for a basic model to tens of thousands of dollars for a high-end, custom-made doll, making them frequently more expensive than other types of sex dolls. Additionally, because they have more sophisticated parts and features that need to be kept clean and in working condition, they require more upkeep and care than smaller, inflated dolls.

When utilizing a male sex doll, it’s crucial to adhere to the manufacturer’s cleaning and maintenance guidelines to keep the doll clean and sanitary. Avoid subjecting the doll to harsh chemicals or severe temperatures, as these conditions can harm the materials and reduce the doll’s lifespan.

Male sex dolls can offer a realistic and pleasurable sexual experience, but it’s crucial to keep in mind that they can’t replace genuine human connection and closeness. Relying on them to replace these kinds of relationships might be unhealthy because they cannot offer the same emotional support or companionship that a real-life partner can.

Overall, if you want a lifelike and realistic sexual encounter with a man, male sex dolls are a high-end option. They might be fairly expensive and take more upkeep and care than other kinds of dolls, but for those who are drawn to them, they can offer a distinctive and fulfilling experience.

Transgender Sex Dolls

Transgender Sex Doll
Transgender Sex Doll

Transgender sex dolls, commonly referred to as trans dolls or gender-nonconforming dolls, are a particular kind of sex toy made to seem like a transgender or gender-nonconforming person. These dolls may have faces or bodies that defy gender expectations, such as facial hair or a more masculine or feminine appearance, yet have bodies that are often associated with one gender or the other.

The capacity to represent and honor transgender and gender-nonconforming people is one of the key advantages of transgender sex dolls. For those who are drawn to transgender or gender nonconforming people, these dolls can be a wonderful method to explore their desires in a secure and consensual setting. In addition, they can be an excellent choice for those who want to discover or explore their own gender identity.

Transgender sex dolls are frequently created from silicone or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), and they could include realistic face features, detachable clothing, and articulated joints for more flexibility and realism. Depending on the particulars of the doll, they might even have a working penis or vulva.

Depending on the materials used and the level of customization offered, transgender sex doll prices can vary. While high-end, fully personalized dolls might cost tens of thousands of dollars, basic ones might just cost a few thousand. When buying a transgender sex doll, it’s crucial to find a recognized and trustworthy manufacturer or shop to guarantee you’re obtaining a high-quality item.

Transgender dolls need upkeep and care just as other kinds of sex toys do to keep them clean and functional. When caring for the doll, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions and keep it away from harsh chemicals and extremely hot temperatures.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that while transgender sex dolls might offer a distinctive and pleasant sexual experience, they cannot replace genuine human connection and intimacy. Relying on them to replace these kinds of relationships might be unhealthy because they cannot offer the same emotional support or companionship that a real-life partner can.

Transgender sex dolls are, all things considered, a remarkable and distinctive alternative for those who are drawn to transgender or gender-nonconforming people. For individuals who are drawn to them, they can offer a unique experience even if they can be rather pricey and need more upkeep and care than other kinds of dolls.

Sex dolls that resemble porn stars

Sex Doll designed after porn star Helen French
Sex Doll designed after porn star Helen French

Porn star-like sex dolls are a particular kind of sex toy that is created to resemble a certain adult film talent. These dolls could be created to have the same body type, facial features, and other physical traits as a certain porn star. Additionally, they could include performer-related attire or accessories.

One of the main advantages of sex dolls that resemble porn stars is the chance to have a sexual encounter with a particular performer. Fans of adult film performers who are drawn to them and want to explore their fantasies in a secure and consenting setting may find these dolls to be a perfect option. They can also be an excellent option for people who want to role-play or investigate various fantasies.

Typically manufactured of silicone or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), porn star-like sex dolls may include realistic facial features, detachable clothing, and articulated joints for increased realism and flexibility. Depending on the particulars of the doll, they might even have a working penis or vulva.

The cost of sex dolls that resemble porn stars can vary based on the materials used, the level of personalization offered, and the star power of the performer. While high-end, fully personalized dolls might cost tens of thousands of dollars, basic ones might just cost a few thousand. When buying a sex doll that looks like a porn star, it’s crucial to find a recognized and trustworthy manufacturer or merchant to guarantee you’re getting a high-quality item.

Porn star-looking dolls need upkeep and care much like other kinds of sex toys to keep them clean and functional. When caring for the doll, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions and keep it away from harsh chemicals and extremely hot temperatures.

While sex dolls that resemble porn stars might offer a distinctive and pleasant sexual experience, it’s crucial to keep in mind that they can’t replace genuine human connection and intimacy. Relying on them to replace these kinds of relationships might be unhealthy because they cannot offer the same emotional support or companionship that a real-life partner can.

Overall, sex dolls that resemble particular adult film actors and actresses are a specialized alternative for individuals who are drawn to them and desire sexual interaction with them. For individuals who are drawn to them, they can offer a unique experience even if they can be rather pricey and need more upkeep and care than other kinds of dolls.

Sex dolls that resemble celebrities

Sex Doll designed after celebrity Scarlett Johansson
Sex Doll designed after celebrity Scarlett Johansson

Sex dolls that resemble certain celebrities or prominent figures are known as celebrity-looking sex dolls. These dolls could be created to have a specific celebrity’s body type, facial features, and other physical traits. They might also include items of apparel or accessories connected to the celebrity.

The possibility of having a sexual encounter with a particular celebrity or public figure is one of the key advantages of sex dolls that look like celebrities. Fans of celebrities who are drawn to them and want to explore their fantasies in a secure and consensual setting may find these dolls to be a perfect alternative. They can also be an excellent option for people who want to role-play or investigate various fantasies.

Celebrity-like sex dolls are frequently manufactured of silicone or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), and they could include realistic facial features, detachable clothing, and articulated joints for increased realism and flexibility. Depending on the particulars of the doll, they might even have a working penis or vulva.

Depending on the materials used, the level of personalization offered, and the celebrity’s popularity, the cost of sex dolls with celebrity looks might vary. While high-end, fully personalized dolls might cost tens of thousands of dollars, basic ones might just cost a few thousand. When buying a celebrity-lookalike sex doll, it’s critical to find a recognized and trustworthy manufacturer or store to guarantee you’re getting a high-quality product.

Celebrity-looking sex dolls need upkeep and care just like other kinds of sex dolls need to stay clean and functional. When caring for the doll, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions and keep it away from harsh chemicals and extremely hot temperatures.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that while celebrity-like sex dolls might offer a distinctive and pleasant sexual experience, they cannot replace genuine human connection and intimacy. Relying on them to replace these kinds of relationships might be unhealthy because they cannot offer the same emotional support or companionship that a real-life partner can.

All things considered, celebrity-looking sex dolls are a specialized choice for individuals who are drawn to particular public personalities or celebrities and wish to have sexual contact with them. For individuals who are drawn to them, they can offer a unique experience even if they can be rather pricey and need more upkeep and care than other kinds of dolls.

Fantasy sex dolls

Fantasy sex doll
Fantasy sex doll

Fantasy sex dolls are a particular kind of sex doll created to satisfy particular sexual desires or role-playing situations. These dolls, which are frequently created to be as realistic and lifelike as possible, might be based on fictitious characters, historical persons, or even legendary animals.

From little and delicate to tall and voluptuous, fantasy sex dolls come in a broad variety of shapes and sizes. They can have varied degrees of articulation and possibility and be manufactured from a variety of materials, including silicone, TPE, or even latex. Some advanced features on fantasy sex dolls, including heating or voice systems, can heighten the realism and immersion of the experience.

The cosplay sex doll, which is created to resemble a specific character from a film, television program, or video game, is one of the most well-liked varieties of fantasy sex dolls. These dolls, which frequently include realistic outfits and accessories, can be utilized to realize particular role-playing desires or simply serve as collectibles.

Historical figures like Cleopatra or Marie Antoinette, as well as legendary animals like dragons or unicorns, are examples of other categories of fantasy sex dolls. These dolls can be used as conversation starters or to carry out specific role-playing scenarios.

Fantasy sex dolls may provide a new level of novelty and excitement to sexual play and can be a fun and exciting addition to any adult toy collection. However, it’s crucial to keep in mind that these dolls are not meant for children and should only be treated with respect and care. For individuals interested in exploring their sexual fantasies, fantasy sex dolls provide a distinctive and engaging experience.

AI sex robots

AI sex robot
AI sex robot

AI (artificial intelligence) sex robots are a particular kind of sex robot that is created to be as lifelike and realistic as possible with the additional ability to converse with and interact with their users. The majority of these robots are constructed from premium materials like silicone or TPE, and they feature a fully articulated skeleton that enables them to move and assume a range of sexual positions.

A few kinds of AI sex robots even can learn and adjust to their owners’ tastes over time. AI sex robots are outfitted with sensors and software that enable them to respond to touch and spoken directions. They might also have cutting-edge features like speech systems that can communicate in several languages or heating features that replicate body warmth.

The capacity of AI sex robots to deliver a more intimate and customized sexual encounter is one of their key advantages. These robots can give their users the impression that they have a genuine partner by conversing with them and reacting to their activities. To give them a distinctive and personalized appearance, they can also be modified with various facial characteristics and makeup choices.

But there is also a lot of debate and controversy around AI sex robots. Some claim that these robots objectify and demean women and that they might be employed to entrap or harm humans. Others contend that persons who have trouble establishing or sustaining human connections could use these robots as a safe and mutually beneficial outlet.

In general, AI sex robots are very complex and high-tech kinds of sex toys that provide a singular and immersive sexual experience. They may be debatable and give rise to ethical questions, but they also can give persons who have trouble creating or maintaining connections with others a safe and consenting outlet.

No matter the kind of sex doll you want, it’s critical to conduct your research and pick a dependable manufacturer or seller. The market is flooded with cheap sex dolls that may not be safe to use because they are composed of subpar materials. Look for sex dolls with accurate, realistic features that are made of premium materials like silicone or TPE.

It’s crucial to take into account how the sex doll will be used and pick a model that will work for you. A more realistic and lifelike doll can be the best option if you’re seeking a sex doll to utilize as a partner or for solitary play. A smaller or inflatable doll can be more appropriate if you’re trying to utilize a sex doll to practice or improve sexual practices.

Overall, there are numerous varieties of sex dolls available to suit a wide range of people’s requirements and interests. There is a sex doll out there for everyone, whether you want a straightforward classic sex doll or a high-tech, custom doll with artificial intelligence.