(SexDollPornHD) How to dry fleshlight ? 6 ways to tell you

Do you know how to dry fleshlight ?

Okay, so this is where it gets interesting because there are 1000 different methods. I am not joking, whatever your circumstance, there’ll be a drying technique just right for you. Before I break down the different methods, let’s go over some basics that everyone should be doing.

The basics:

Drying the hard case is super easy. Just use a heavy-duty paper towel to soak up all the excess water. If you properly dry it with the paper towel, you won’t even have to dry the case on a rack, you can just store it away.

Before hanging your sleeve up to dry, use a microfiber cloth to soak up as much water as possible. It’s best to wrap it around a chopstick or flute cleaner and then gently stick it inside the sleeve. Don’t forget to dry the outside as well. Don’t use a paper towel or anything else (people have used socks) for this step as it might leave lint inside your sleeve and that’s going to irritate your dick.

Whatever you do, make sure your Fleshlight is bone dry before you put it back in its case because otherwise, it will go moldy. In case you skipped the beginning of the guide, let me just remind you that this is bad, bad news for your sleeve and dick.

The classic method:

After cleaning your Fleshlight sleeve, stand it up on a radiator so any excess water can drip out. Just make sure, the radiator isn’t on as it can  melt your sleeve. Super low-effort but it will take a while to dry.

The lazy method:

Pretty much just lay your Fleshlight sleeve on a towel to dry. This method takes the longest as there’s no air flow through the sleeve, but it’s perfect for those who can’t be bothered to faff around. It’s recommended to use this method in dry places as humidity will stop the process and might result in mold growth.

The dangerous method:

Some people successfully use a hairdryer on a cool setting to dry the Fleshlight sleeve. It’s pretty self-explanatory: you aim the hairdryer into the hole and hold it there until the sleeve is thoroughly dry. I personally don’t like this method as while it’s speedy, it’s easy to overheat the sleeve which will degrade the material.

A variation of this method is putting your Fleshlight sleeve on a fan like this until it’s dry. Honestly, I don’t recommend covering a fan, but there are a lot of people who successfully use this method. So, if you’re a daredevil, go ahead!

The crazy method:

I didn’t know about this method until I researched different drying techniques for this guide. It’s a bit out-there… People buy aquarium pumps specifically to dry their Fleshlight sleeve. This method makes a lot of sense if you use your Fleshlight a lot and have the space and cash for an extra electrical appliance. You simply stick the sleeve on the pump, turn it on and leave it to dry. There’s no heat, so no danger to your Fleshlight and the air shooting through your sleeve will dry it in no time.

The DIY method:

Fleshlight sleeves dry the best when air can flow through them and water can drip away. You can build a drying rack out of almost anything. One option is to bend a coat hanger into shape, MacGyver style. To do this you need one of those thin and flexible clothes hangers that sometimes you get for free from a dry cleaner. I think you know what I am talking about.

  1. Bend a clothes hanger around the case
  • Fold ends over to make a loop
  • Hang sleeve in loop until dry

One major plus for this method is that you can store the Fleshlight easily in a closet, keeping it out of sight. Any mounted structure your Fleshlight can stand on and that air can flow through, will do. If you’re feeling fancy, you can even get an extra dish drying rack (or you can just use the one in your kitchen, as the Fleshlight sleeve will be as clean as a whistle anyway).

Good to know:

The more textured your sleeve, the longer the drying time. The Fleshlight Original or Super Tight sleeve will dry in no time, but something fancy and elaborate like the Destroya will take a lot longer. If you’re using a lowkey method like drying your sleeve on a towel, the drying time can be days for some of the textured sleeves.
