(SexDollPornHD) Detachable Sex Dolls with removable arms and legs

There has always been demand for sex dolls with detachable arms and legs. They are more discreet and can be hidden easily. The removable limbs facilitate the storage and transportation. It is also more cost-effective for repair or replacement of particular body parts. There is a trade-off however between realism and easy storage. There are very noticeable seam lines on the detachable area for detachable love dolls.

There are a few doll makers who propose detachable bodies with removable arms and legs.

Aibei Doll has one TPE body of 148cm that has a fully detachable body with both removable arms and legs.

Aibei Doll 148cm Full TPE - Removable Limps

Aibei Doll 148cm Full TPE – Removable Limps Video

JY Doll announced that they now produce detachable bodies and compatible metal skeletons for all TPE and silicone bodies. Clients can choose a non-detachable body or a detachable body with either removable arms or just removable legs or both removable arms and legs. This is a game changer for doll lovers who have confined spaces. The model below is a JY full silicone 165cm with non-detachable arms and detachable legs.

JY full silicone 165cm with non-detachable arms and detachable legs

JY full silicone 165cm with non-detachable arms and detachable legs

How to attach the limbs of your JY Sex Doll (Kaya 125cm on the video)

To release the limbs simply squeeze the metallic ring around the skeleton on the torso side of the connection.

We hope you enjoyed today’s reading . Simply click on this link to customize now your sex dolls with a detachable body.
